中国人民大学邀请海外留学博士来校讲学课程安排表 | |||||
一、课程名称:MODERN WESTERN HISTORIOGRAPHY & METHOD (现代西方史学理论经典文献研读) | |||||
二、主讲人:Lu Yang(陆扬) | |||||
三、授课对象:博士研究生、硕士研究生、青年教师 | |||||
四、课程(讲座)安排: | |||||
序号 | 日期 | 时间(24时制) | 教室 | 授课内容 | 课时数 |
1 | 6月2日(星期四) | 14:00-16:30 | 明主0413 | General Introduction: The Types and the Limits of History (历史学的类型及其限制) Gaddis, Landscape of History,Ch. 1, pp. 1-16; Chs. 2-3, pp. 17-52 Cullen, Essaying the Past, pp. 1-19 Tosh, The Pursuit of History, Chs. 3 & 7, pp. 58-87 and pp. 175-213 |
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2 | 6月7日(星期二 ) | 14:00-16:30 | 明主0404 | Class discussion Do you have the historical consciousness? (何谓历史的意识) Gaddis, Landscape of History, Chs. 7-8, pp. 111-151 Tosh, The Pursuit of History,Ch. 2, pp. 29-57 |
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3 | 6 月9日(星期四) | 14:00-16:30 | 明主0413 | Class discussion The Methods of Historical Inquiry: Empiricists, Marxists, & Psychohistory & Annals (现代西方史学取径:实证主义,马克思主义,心理分析及年鉴学派) Tosh, The Pursuit of History, Ch. 8, pp. 214-245; Ch. 9, pp. 246-273 Green & Troup, The Houses of History, pp. 1-58 and pp. 141-171; pp. 59-109 |
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4 | 6 月14 日(星期二) | 14:00-16:30 | 明主0404 | Class discussion The Methods of Historical Inquiry: Sociology & Anthropology (现代西方史学取径:社会学和人类学的影响) Green & Troup, The Houses of History, pp. 110-140; 172-203 Levi, “On Microhistory,” New Perspectives on Historical Writing, pp. 97-119 Natalie Zemon Davis, The Return of Martin Guerre, the whole book *Miskell, “Historians and film,” Making History, pp.245-256 *Sorlin, “How to Look at a‘Historical’ Film,” The Historical Films, pp. 25-49 |
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5 | 6 月16 日(星期四) | 14:00-16:30 | 明主0413 | Class discussion The Question of Narrative (何谓叙事) Green & Troup, The Houses of History, pp. 204-229 *Roberts, “The History and Narrative Debate,” The History and Narrative Reader, pp. 1-24 *Dray, “On the Nature of Role of Narrative in History,” The History and Narrative Reader, pp. 25-39. *Gallie, “Narrative and Historical Understanding,” The History and Narrative Reader, pp. 40-51. |
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6 | 6月21 日(星期二) | 14:00-16:30 | 明主0404 | Class discussion The Methods of Historical Inquiry: Gender & Post-Colonialism (现代西方 史学取径:性别史与后殖民史) Tosh, The Pursuit of History,Ch. 10, pp. 274-302 Green & Troup, The Houses of History, pp. 253-296 Scott, “Women’s History,”New Perspectives on Historical Writing, pp. 43-70 |
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7 | 6 月 23 日(星期四) | 14:00-16:30 | 明主0413 | Class discussion The Methods of Historical Inquiry: Local, Other & Oral History (现代西方 史学取径:地方史,他者的历史与口述史) Tosh, The Pursuit of History,Ch. 11, pp. 303-329 Green & Troup, The Houses ofHistory, Ch. 9, pp. 230-252 Sharpe, “History from Below,”New Perspectives on Historical Writing, pp. 25-42 |
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8 | 6 月28 日(星期二) | 14:00-16:30 | 明主0404 | Class discussion Post-Modernism and Reading (后现代史学,阅读理论) Green & Troup, The Houses of History, pp. 297-325 Darnton, “History of Reading,” New Perspective on Historical Writing, pp. 157-186 Porter, “History of Body Reconsidered,” New Perspective on Historical Writing, pp. 233-300 |
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9 | 6 月30 日(星期四) | 14:00-16:30 | 明主0413 | Conclusion (总结) | 3 |
五、教师简介: | |||||
1999年1月毕业于普林斯顿大学东亚系,获历史学博士学位,专门从事中国中古史研究。曾任教于普林斯顿大学东亚系、哈佛大学东亚系,目前在美国堪萨斯大学负责中国古代史的教研工作。在一流中英文学术杂志上发表中国史论文多篇。 |
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