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发布者:半岛·体育bob官方网站 发布时间:2019-03-18 05:03 阅读量:
     中国人民大学生态史研究中心“自然与文化”系列讲座第二十九讲将于2019年3月22日下午15:00-17:00在中国人民大学人文楼三楼会议室举行,题为“我们如何改变世界?跨社会可持续性转变之可能“,主讲人为瑞典林雪平大学气候科学与政策研究中心环境变化问题教授Björn-Ola Linnér。欢迎参与。


How do we change the world?
Making sense of sustainability transformations across societies.

The concept of transformation is increasingly employed in science and policy debates. The surge in appeals for societal transformations to sustainability is reflected in United Nations 2030 Agenda’s tag line “transforming our world” and the recent IPCC 1.5°C report. Transformative change in societies across the world is needed to address the enormous societal challenges of rapidly reducing greenhouse gas emissions and safeguarding the environment while increasing energy access, eradicating poverty and securing food and health for all. Nonetheless, in science and policy debates, decisive questions of what is to be transformed, by whom, and to what extent transformation can be governed tend to remain largely unarticulated and unclear. Upon scrutiny, the expectations concerning transformation vary significantly within and across societies. Drawing on a book soon to be published by Cambridge University Press, the talk will discuss transformation is made sense of in international politics, in countries contribution to the Paris agreement and the 2030 agenda, as well as among lay people in Cabo Verde, China, Fiji, USA, and Sweden, as well as historical examples. It will present what type of change is foreseen by different calls for societal transformations, how it may be governed, and what can be drivers of deliberate transformations.


Picture from forthcoming book in 2019: Linnér, B-O. and Wibeck, V. Sustainability Transformations across Societies: Drivers and Agents of Social Change. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press, if you would like to use it.

 Björn-Ola Linnér是瑞典林雪平大学气候科学与政策研究中心的环境变化问题教授。同时,他也是斯德哥尔摩环境研究所合作研究员、牛津大学科学创新与社会研究所合作研究员、米斯特拉地缘政治项目负责人,以及瑞典斯德哥尔摩环境保护机构研究理事会的成员。
