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发布者: 发布时间:2019-10-08 22:10 阅读量:



Emotions from Paganism to Christianity”


      时间:2019年10月11日(周五)下午3: 00-5: 00

     Although emotions may seem to be hard-wired in the human brain, in fact, as scholars and scientists have begun to realize, they too have a history, and the way they are described and felt differs from society to another.  The transition from paganism to Christianity in particular brought with it new conceptions of the emotions.  In my talk, I examine selected emotions, including pity, anger, fear, envy, and love, as they are defined in classical Greek and Latin texts and in early Christian writings, highlighting what we may call the new structures of feeling that emerged in Late Antiquity – and continue to influence the way we think and feel today. 


    David Konstan's research focuses on ancient Greek and Latin literature, especially comedy and the novel, and classical philosophy. In recent years, he has investigated the emotions and value concepts of classical Greece and Rome, and has written books on friendship, pity, the emotions, forgiveness, and beauty. He has also written on ancient physics and atomic theory and on literary theory, and has translated Seneca’s two tragedies about Hercules into verse. His most recent book concerns ancient vs. modern conceptions of loyalty, gratitude, love, and grief. 

    主讲人简介:大卫·康斯坦(David Konstan),美国著名古典学家。主要研究领为古代希腊和拉丁文学,尤其是喜剧和小说,以及古典哲学。近年来,他考察了古典时代希腊和罗马的情感和价值观念,撰写过关于友谊、怜悯、情感、宽恕和美的一些著作。他还写过关于古代的物理学、原子理论和文学理论的著作,把塞涅卡的两部关于赫拉克勒斯的悲剧翻译成韵文。他最近的著作是关于古代与现代的忠诚、爱和悲伤的观念的比较的。   

    Konstan's B.A. was in mathematics; in senior year of college, he began ancient Greek and Latin, and went on to obtain a doctorate in classics.  He taught at Wesleyan University from 1967 to 1987, and at Brown University from 1987 to 2010, when he joined the faculty at NYU. 


    Konstan has held visiting appointments in New Zealand, Scotland, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, Australia, and Egypt, among other places.  He serves on the Editorial Boards of numerous journals around the world.  He has been President of the American Philological Association, and is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and Honorary Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities.  He has been awarded NEH, ACLS,and Guggenheim fellowships, among others. 
